Welcome to our NEW registration system with Arux! We hope you find our new system easy and user friendly. Please contact us if you would like some assistance and we would be more than happy to help! If you would like to teach a class or have a suggestion for something you would like to participate in please reach out to us, as well!

Kids & Company School Age Child Care
After school care for students in grades K-5 during the school year.

Summer Kids School Age Child Care Program
For students in grades K-5 who need full or part-time care during the summer months.
Contact Us
If you have any questions about programs we offer feel free to contact us.
Bemidji Community Education
3300 Gillett Drive NW
Bemidji, MN 56601
(218)333-3284 Community Ed General Info
(218)333-8329 ECFE/Preschool

Early Learning scholarships:
We encourage those needing assistance with preschool tuition to apply early. Limited amount available. Scan our QR code here or go to: www.earlylearningscholarshipshub.mn.gov

Join Our Facebook Social Media Sites:
- Bemidji Community Education
- ECFE/SR Bemidji
- Kids & Company Bemidji
- bemcomed (on Instagram)